Utilisation of the Transkeian landscape - an ecological interpretation


  • B. McKenzie University of the Transkei


Archaeological, historical, sociological and ecological arguments are used to develop a model of the impact of people and livestock on the Transkeian landscape. It is suggested that the present distribution of grassland and woody vegetation is indicative of the vegetation pattern during the Iron Age. Furthermore, it is proposed that it is only recently that stock numbers have increased to the extent where they are causing overgrazing and acceleration of erosion.

To cite this article: McKenzie, B. 1984. Utilisation of the Transkeian landscape - an ecological interpretation. Annals of the Natal Museum 26 (1): 165-72.



How to Cite

McKenzie, B. (2021). Utilisation of the Transkeian landscape - an ecological interpretation. Southern African Humanities, 26(1), 165–72. Retrieved from https://www.sahumanities.org/index.php/sah/article/view/103