Mind the difference: a comparative analysis of Zulu cultural villages in KwaZulu-Natal


  • S. Marschall University of Durban-Westville


With the flourishing of cultural and heritage tourism in South Africa, an increasing number of Zulu cultural villages are being built in the rural and semi-urban areas of KwaZulu-Natal to present constructions of African culture to mostly foreign tourists. While popular, cultural villages are often criticised by scholars and there is a common inclination to treat them in a generalised manner as if they were all essentially similar. This article suggests that there is a need for a more differentiated approach. The article compares a sample of five Zulu cultural villages in KwaZulu-Natal, namely PheZulu Safari Park, Shakaland, KwaBhekithunga, Ecabazini Cultural Village and Nonoti Valley, to demonstrate that there are important differences between such ventures in the way that culture is interpreted and represented, in the way the varying needs of the tourists are accommodated, and in terms of the impact on, or benefits to the 'performing' community.

To cite this article: Marschall, S. 2003. Mind the difference: a comparative analysis of Zulu cultural villages in KwaZulu-Natal. Southern African Humanities 15: 109-27.



How to Cite

Marschall, S. (2021). Mind the difference: a comparative analysis of Zulu cultural villages in KwaZulu-Natal. Southern African Humanities, 15, 109–27. Retrieved from https://www.sahumanities.org/index.php/sah/article/view/155


